Friday, June 11, 2004
As you can see the computer won. I guess I'll have to have Kris help me when he gets home. I don't understand. I follow all the instructions, but it just isn't working.
Okay, I am going to keep trying to put pictures on here until it works or I just get really frustrated. Let's see who wins!

Jenn Reedy--just wanted to say I am glad you're back and yes we do need to get together sometime soon!!
We have taken the kids swimming twice this summer. They absolutely love it. And the second time we bought some floaties and innertube ring things and that made it a whole lot easier to have all three of them there. Of course I wasn't by myself. Too many little unswimming kids for one person! Katherine did great. She wanted to wear just the floaties and was really trying to swim. Kaleb, being the crazy boy that he is wanted no floaties, no ring, NOTHING. He just wanted to try and swim all by himself but we soon found out that he doesn't keep his head above water very well on his own. But he sure was trying.
As much as they fight, it sure is fun to watch the kids play together. They have these days, or rather moments, where they will just pretend and play and have a blast together. It's so cool. Recently they have been taking their floats/rings around the house pretending to be pirates. The other day Katherine said, "Come on Pirate Kaleb. Let's go Captain." And Kaleb said "Ok." Katherine corrected him letting him know that the proper response was "Aye Aye Captain." So he immediately just said "Aye Aye Captain." Off they went into Kaleb's room where apparently there was treasure and I heard Katherine saying "I love treasure!" It was cute.
Did I mention earlier that Abbey now says a few more words? They are all slurred and aren't extremely coherent but they are words nonetheless. She says grandma, thank you, that, there she is (when we play where's Abbey). Those I have heard her say on a regular basis. Well, I've only heard her say grandma twice but I know she has said it more than that. What is so hard about mama and dada??? And I am positive a few months ago she said her version of Bob the Builder.
We have taken the kids swimming twice this summer. They absolutely love it. And the second time we bought some floaties and innertube ring things and that made it a whole lot easier to have all three of them there. Of course I wasn't by myself. Too many little unswimming kids for one person! Katherine did great. She wanted to wear just the floaties and was really trying to swim. Kaleb, being the crazy boy that he is wanted no floaties, no ring, NOTHING. He just wanted to try and swim all by himself but we soon found out that he doesn't keep his head above water very well on his own. But he sure was trying.
As much as they fight, it sure is fun to watch the kids play together. They have these days, or rather moments, where they will just pretend and play and have a blast together. It's so cool. Recently they have been taking their floats/rings around the house pretending to be pirates. The other day Katherine said, "Come on Pirate Kaleb. Let's go Captain." And Kaleb said "Ok." Katherine corrected him letting him know that the proper response was "Aye Aye Captain." So he immediately just said "Aye Aye Captain." Off they went into Kaleb's room where apparently there was treasure and I heard Katherine saying "I love treasure!" It was cute.
Did I mention earlier that Abbey now says a few more words? They are all slurred and aren't extremely coherent but they are words nonetheless. She says grandma, thank you, that, there she is (when we play where's Abbey). Those I have heard her say on a regular basis. Well, I've only heard her say grandma twice but I know she has said it more than that. What is so hard about mama and dada??? And I am positive a few months ago she said her version of Bob the Builder.
Monday, June 07, 2004
Well, sadly, our vacation is finally over. Kris went back to work this morning, and as if to say "Welcome back to reality" the kids decided to wake up at 6am! But after being gone from them for four days, I didn't mind so much. Besides, Kris and I were so tired we actually went to bed AND to sleep at 10pm. That's rare for us.
We had fun. We went to Eureka Springs, AR, which the town itself was fun and interesting. We walked a lot and went to see the Great Passion Play, which to be quite honestly left me sorely disappointed. It's not that the story was bad, because of course, it is a good story. And of course there were parts where they took some poetic license, which in my opinion did not help the performance. But the production itself was just not very good. But we did do the New Holy Land tour which was interesting.
Sunday we began our trip back. The car had some lights on (like the battery and brake) but Kris seemed to think it was no big deal. Being a little uneasy with cars when they start to indicate problems, I was nervous, but I thought, well, Kris feels safe so I'll just trust that. Well, we made it a good distance before the air bag light came on. We were past Rolla when the speedometer quit working. The radio and clock quit a little past that and the air conditioning was losing power. And as we approached a weigh station outside of St. Clair, MO the car started shaking and making loud noises. Well, then we stopped and the car didn't have a chance of moving on it's own again.
We were really fortunate though, first that we made it that far with no problems. Second that we decided to invest in a cell phone last month. Third because we were originally planning to meet Jim and Mary at Six Flags, which was just about 15 minutes or so from St. Clair. So, we called and Jim and Mary said they would come out and get us. They also have this really good AAA which they let us use to have the car towed back to Cindy's house. By the way, it was Cindy's Sonata that we had just been borrowing. Everytime we borrow that car we bring it back with something wrong it seems. So, after a couple of hours, the car began it's tow back to Cindy's, and Jim and Mary drove us to Six Flags where I rode a rollercoaster for the first time in 5 years. It was fun. I look forward to going back. So, all in all it was a fun trip.
I wonder how busy Kris is today. I bet there is a lot for him to do after being gone a week. I know they were concerned over there with him being gone for a week. Funny-they waited for two years for him and were concerned with him being gone for a week. Says a lot though about him and what he has added to their business. I'm so proud of him!
We had fun. We went to Eureka Springs, AR, which the town itself was fun and interesting. We walked a lot and went to see the Great Passion Play, which to be quite honestly left me sorely disappointed. It's not that the story was bad, because of course, it is a good story. And of course there were parts where they took some poetic license, which in my opinion did not help the performance. But the production itself was just not very good. But we did do the New Holy Land tour which was interesting.
Sunday we began our trip back. The car had some lights on (like the battery and brake) but Kris seemed to think it was no big deal. Being a little uneasy with cars when they start to indicate problems, I was nervous, but I thought, well, Kris feels safe so I'll just trust that. Well, we made it a good distance before the air bag light came on. We were past Rolla when the speedometer quit working. The radio and clock quit a little past that and the air conditioning was losing power. And as we approached a weigh station outside of St. Clair, MO the car started shaking and making loud noises. Well, then we stopped and the car didn't have a chance of moving on it's own again.
We were really fortunate though, first that we made it that far with no problems. Second that we decided to invest in a cell phone last month. Third because we were originally planning to meet Jim and Mary at Six Flags, which was just about 15 minutes or so from St. Clair. So, we called and Jim and Mary said they would come out and get us. They also have this really good AAA which they let us use to have the car towed back to Cindy's house. By the way, it was Cindy's Sonata that we had just been borrowing. Everytime we borrow that car we bring it back with something wrong it seems. So, after a couple of hours, the car began it's tow back to Cindy's, and Jim and Mary drove us to Six Flags where I rode a rollercoaster for the first time in 5 years. It was fun. I look forward to going back. So, all in all it was a fun trip.
I wonder how busy Kris is today. I bet there is a lot for him to do after being gone a week. I know they were concerned over there with him being gone for a week. Funny-they waited for two years for him and were concerned with him being gone for a week. Says a lot though about him and what he has added to their business. I'm so proud of him!