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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Wow. It has been WAY too long since I was on here. Not too much has happened. I did manage to somehow get pregnant again and all is going well so far. I am now 9 weeks along and have the nausea to prove it!! But that is a good sign! My stomach is all bruised up from the 2 shots a day I get, but if it keeps me healthy I guess it is somehow worth it.

I got to see Les Miserables right before Valentine's day. It was cool. I think it was much better the first time I saw it. Kris and I agreed that perhaps the performance just wasn't as good as it could have been. No one singing really just stood out--they were all just 'average' in my opinion. We went on the last day of the show so there were like 3 main people that weren't there--they had their understudies playing their role. That could have been part of it.

I've done absolutely NO pampered chef shows this month. I am kind of sad but I have some scheduled in March and hopefully that will go well for me. I'm excited because I just found out that I could deduct ingredients that I buy to practice recipes. So, let the cooking begin!!

I have to say that Blockbuster online has got me hooked. I signed up for a free 2-week trial to get their movies mailed to me, and it is great! It's convenient and easy. And I get two in store rentals a month--which is great becuase we just rented 2 playstation games and those are expensive! They are $6.99 each now. That's just crazy. So we got them for free. I'm convinced that is the way to go--don't use your in store rentals on movies since you can get those through the mail--use them on games which are much to expensive to actually rent anyway.

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