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Friday, September 30, 2005

The weekend is almost here. Just a couple more hours. In some ways I am hesitant about the weekends since we will have to adjust to all 4 kids home at the same time, but I am more excited about the weekend being here because it feels like I might get a break from the craziness that is my life. At least on the weekends Kris is here to help out. Next week will be interesting. Katherine and Kaleb only have school for a day and a half next week, so I'll have to figure out how to cope with all four kids by myself. I'm sure it will not be as bad as I am anticipating--at least I hope not!

Next weekend we are having a big party for all of the kids. I am looking forward to it, although from what I can tell so far, hardly anyone will be able to make it. Oh well. The only problem with few people coming is that we might have too much food. I know I know--it would be an awful thing!

I'm tired. I guess that's to be expected. Olivia is 2 weeks old now. Seems like she has been here forever! She's still so little, but I really feel like it has been longer than 2 weeks. Kaleb heard me calling her 'Livy' (not as in 'ivy', but more like 'libby' only with a 'v' instead of the b's) the other day and so sometimes he calls her that and it is cute to hear.

It's so cool to hear the kids talk about their days at school. They seem to be learning quite a bit. Katherine is even starting to read some words. That is just awesome! I really love to hear the songs they learn...they like to sing them for me and I more than enjoy listening to them.

Well, the kids have been promised a treat in return for cleaning their rooms, so I had better go and supervise (aka clean it up myself while they watch) so they can get their candy. They really want to go for a walk this afternoon...so maybe we'll do that too!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Kaleb's birthday has come and gone, and Olivia Morgan is 9 days old. She is a good baby--very calm for the most part, just like Katherine and Abigail were. As opposed to every two hours, she only gets up 2, maybe 3 times per night....that is a huge improvement from what I was used to with the others. It's nice. Not that I feel rested at all-I'm still pretty tired, but I'm sure I will get used to that too.

Kris goes back to work on Monday. He was off all week. It was really nice and helpful until Thursday, when he got the flu or whatever else had been going around. So much for having help! It was a rough day, that carried into Friday (not that he was sick anymore--I was just beyond frustrated at that point). And now it is the weekend and I have two days before I get back to reality with Olivia being here.

I am going to play raquetball with Cindy today and looking forward to that. It will be good to 1. Get out and 2. Do something active. Kris will stay with the kids...I tried to time it between feeding times so Kris won't have to give Olivia a bottle, but it isn't the end of the world if she has to have one.

The labor and delivery with Olivia was fast and easy. From start to finish I was in labor for only 7 hours before she was born. I got to the hospital to be induced at 8am and right at 3pm on the dot she was born. And now she is demanding my attention. I think she would like to finish her breakfast now.

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