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Thursday, March 11, 2004

I had a wonderful screaming session with Kaleb this morning. All of the kids seem to be getting sick (just with colds) and they are all just plain cranky. I find it annoying, to be quite honest and I don't know some days how I keep my sanity. Maybe I don't keep it--maybe I'm just "running on the gas fumes"??? Anyway, I actually found the screaming match quite enjoyable. Kaleb hated it. See, I have begun to lay on him and hold him down when he is being downright defiant and mean. Does that sound cruel?? I guess that in and of itself isn't cruel--because I am not physically hurting him. Maybe the cruel part is that I find it so amusing when he just screams at the top of his lungs (in his high pitched voice--keep that in mind) "Get off of me! Get off of me!" I just scream it back at him and it makes me laugh. I don't think it helps him get rid of his anger though! But, when he calms down I will get up (sometimes it takes about 15 minutes) and if he is ready to calm down and apologize, we are done. If not, it's pinned back down to the floor we go. Kaleb decided it would take 3 times this morning before he was ready to apologize and behave. But since then he has been good and sweet.

I think it is just his age--I seem to remember Katherine going through this same kind of thing. Unfortunately, no form of anything seems to work with him. So, we are trying this new method. We will see how it goes--it seems to be the only thing that really phases him.

I told Kaleb we were going to Applebees for lunch and he is walking around telling me that he wants to go to "apple juice." That makes me smile--things like that start to make up for his terrible attitude lately.

It is so awesome to see Abigail walking. She is so adorable. And that girl can go fast!

I can't seem to get over how much I like Kaleb's new haircut. It just really looks good on him. Maybe it is because he looks more like his daddy now! He's just like a little tiny Kris, only without the excessive facial hair-which actually is not present on Kris right now. Something possessed him and he shaved a couple of days ago. Despite my shock, I was pleased!

At the risk of not including Katherine, I will just comment on how proud I am that she can sing both the English and the Greek alphabet. I always rolled my eyes when Kris talked about teaching our kids Greek, but I have to admit that it is really awesome to hear your 3 year old sing the Greek alphabet and do it to perfection. For the most part, you can understand every letter that she is saying, although if you are not familiar with the Greek alphabet, you may not think she even knows it!

It is off to lunch now. Kris is taking a long lunch this afternoon which will be really nice. We are meeting (apparently at "Apple Juice") and it will be nice to just sit and talk. We don't see too much of each other throughout the week; one of us is either coming or going every day it seems. But tomorrow will be nice and relaxing. Cindy is keeping the kids overnight and Kris and I are going to a leadership retreat with Crossroads. It will be nice to have a night/morning of not having to worry about what to feed the kids for breakfast (since we are out of cereal).

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