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Friday, April 23, 2004

I saw Addie yesterday. That was nice. She is finally back from Europe and I am glad. I think I would have gone crazy if I had to go much longer with out my weekly break from reality! She brought me a giraffe from Italy-it's made of mahogany (sp??). It's cool. We made our usual Target run-how fun for us!

I changed my work schedule. I only work 3 nights now, instead of 4 and it is really nice. This week I worked Monday/Tuesday and then will work Saturday. It has been really nice after Tuesday to just sit at home and think, well, I don't have to go back to work until Saturday. I love my job--the commute is getting old though, as is not being home in the evenings when Kris is home. He seems to really like his new job. I think that's great! We'll see as time goes on what kind of pressure it will have with it-hopefully an insignificant amount.

I am really enjoying learning to play Bridge. It's difficult and confusing but the parts I am beginning to understand are a lot of fun! It's cool too that we get to learn from Jim and Mary, because that means we get to be spending time with them.

I am not really concerned about Abbey's hearing, because she listens. She understands when I tell her to do something. She puts her cup on the table, sits down, finds her blanket and plug, hugs/kisses her brother and sister...pretty much anything I tell her to do she does. But she just doesn't really talk. Not even mama or dada. That's what concerns me is that she should at least being saying those words. She needs her 15 month and 18 month shots so when I take her in for that I'll check with the doctor.

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