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Sunday, April 11, 2004

I wrote this last night but could not get it to post, so I am going to try again today.

Here is my kid story for today. I am working tonight and on my fifteen minute break I called Kris. Soon after he told me all the kids were in bed I hear this little voice, up out of bed. I wasn't really surprised because Katherine always has at least one excuse every night after she's gone to bed. Usually it is this: "I just need to ask one question." And usually the question is not anything earth-shattering. So, I hear her come out and she starts telling Kris to tell me that she wants me to come in her room when I get home. And I hear Kris say, "Why don't you tell mommy yourself." So, Katherine, half on the phone/half off (because her voice seemed farther away than usual) starts saying "Mommy, um mommy, um can you, um mommy, can you, um I want daddy to tell you to come into my room when you get home and give me a hug and a kiss." Then she said bye and I love you and back to bed she went! How funny! She gets on the phone, we're thinking to tell me to come in when I get home. BUT NO! She wants to get on the phone and tell me that she wants daddy to TELL me to come in! We had a great laugh over that, Kris and I did!

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