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Friday, April 09, 2004

Oh that nap time really were that-NAP TIME!! Abbey was sleeping until the non-sleeping children got too loud and woke her up. Kaleb decided that apparently he didn't need a nap today and so he began to fight with Katherine. I got them separated and lying down, and then they both got up and now Abbey is awake. Not the best nap time we've had!

And I think they are purposely bad on the days when they know I will not get a break at all from being mommy. Kris is going out tonight with some friends, and so I get the kids ALL day. I know most women think, yeah, so what? Well, when you're not used to constantly having them with no break all the time, it's difficult to imagine a night with no husband around to relieve you!! I like that he is hanging out with the guys, but I hate that it leaves me home alone. And I swear, EVERY time he is not going to be my relief in the evening, the kids are so much worse. I don't think I'm making it up!!

Can you tell I am frustrated and tense? Oh well--bedtime is about 6 hours away, just 6 hours. Surely I can hold out that long! Dacia you know what I'm talking about--those days when you just can't wait until bedtime!! Today is one of those days.

Hmm...what is there that is good that I can share, since this has taken a very negative turn?? I'll have to think about it and come back to it later...maybe I'll think of something after they are all nicely sleeping in their beds for the night!

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