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Thursday, May 13, 2004

It sure has been a while since I've been back on here. I'm not sure why. I don't think I've been busier than usual. Maybe I have. I decided to quit my job, again. After much thought and talking and listening to the Holy Spirit, I have decided to just be home once again with the kids. I think it will be hard, but well worth it. And now my weekends will be free and I'll actually see Kris more than one night a week. And when I say see I mean actually spend good quality time with him, not just saying, hi, bye, see you next week.

Katherine is learning different letters. With help she has written Andy, Mommy, Kat (her nickname, not the animal--I do know how to spell cat), Katherine and Addie. How cute! It's so fun. She loves to learn and loves to show me that she can do it. She has learned A, B, and C, capital and lowercase and learned how to write 1, as well as spell one. So, now if I show her the word one, she can look at the letters and tell me how to spell it. Is anyone else impressed?

Kaleb is funny. At nap time today he was trying to lick me instead of kissing. That's not the funny part. So, I was getting upset with him and telling him that was gross and that if he didn't kiss me right I was just going to go out of his room. So, he hugged me and kissed me. And then he kept saying, a real kiss, a real hug. So I'd have to keep getting down there and hugging and kissing him. And then all of a sudden, with no warning, he said "Get out of here." I thought it was funny. A little mean, but still funny.

I am enjoying learning to play bridge. What a fun game. It's a mix of like every card game, much more involved and much more fun. I still love pinochle--don't get me wrong!!
But there's just something about bridge.

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