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Thursday, July 29, 2004

I'm very excited.  Today we got a check in the mail from Metlife for $6500!!  Yippee!!  Wouldn't it be great if we didn't have a bunch of credit card debt to put that on??  Oh well...it will feel so good to take $6000 of that and put it directly on our debt.  That will more than cut it in half!  Yeah...we have a lot of debt!  I say $6000...the downside is that we need new brakes on the van and all that good stuff...so we have to set some aside!

And anytime now, we should be getting 2 other checks from Met.  What a relief it is going to be!  We have vowed NOT to go back into debt.  God help us with that!!!

Abbey was so cute today.  Up to this point, she has not really said "dada/daddy".  Well Kris called today to talk to Katherine about something and so of course all the kids wanted to talk.  And I gave the phone to Abbey and said "tell daddy hi" and she gets this grin on her face and says "hi" and then she said "dada...dada"  It was so cute.  Very very soon she will just take off talking I will not remember what it was like without her talking...but that's ok with me.

Of course the downside to talking is with Katherine right now.  Her favorite phrase right now is "I don't like you..."  Usually it is directed at Mommy...today it was Kaleb, so I told her to go to her room...and THEN it was "I don't like you MOMMY!"  Oh well.  I don't really care.

Jenn...in case you read this and I haven't called you...which day next week (if either of them) work out best for you for dinner--Wed. or Thurs??  Let me know.

I am going out ALONE tonight.  Kris is going camping this weekend, so I get one more night off before the weekend alone starts.  I'm kind of looking forward to it though...the way things have been right now it will be kind of nice I think.  And it will be good for Kris.

Ooh...I was going to take a Spanish class in the fall...but I found this really cool review book/workbook at Borders the other night...and so I am going to go through that.  I think it will be right at my level and very helpful.  I'm very excited about it.   Andy and I were going to take the Spanish class together but I am going to see if he wants to go through the book with me.  We'll see.

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