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Thursday, July 08, 2004

Kris and I are very excited! Katherine got placed in preschool for the fall! We didn't know what we were going to do, as we both felt like she would do really well to go ahead and start preschool, but we cannot afford KCA. So, we just kind of left it in the Lord's hands and then I found out that Hazelwood offered preschool. But it is all done by a lottery. The child has to take this Dial 3 Screening thing, and then if they do well enough on that, they will be put into the pool/lottery. And if the child is not placed from the lottery, they go on a waiting list, and depending on where they are on the waiting list, they could be placed that semester or the next year. Kind of up to chance really. And so I took Katherine for her screening--she did really well. On most all things they "tested" her on she was scoring at a 5 and 6 year old level. Pretty cool--of course we are so proud. So, anyway, I got the letter the other day that said not that she was on the waiting list but that she had actually been placed for the 2004-2005 school year afternoon preschool!

I saw Spiderman 2 tonight. I really liked it. I thought it was better than the first, which I liked also. I am not sure though if they left it open for yet another Spiderman film or if that was just the end. I guess we'll see. It seems that in July/August there will be a bad season of movies. On an interesting note, in November there is a movie coming out that is based on John Grisham's "Skipping Christmas" which I think looks really good. The book was okay--but the movie will be with Tim Allen and I just think it will be funny.

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