Tuesday, September 28, 2004
So, here is an amusing and sweet story that almost makes me cry. I am so proud of Katherine and so amazed at how innocent little children are and how big their faith can be.
Abbey decided to take a whole roll of toilet paper and play with it, in the bathroom. Katherine thought she would help clean it up. The yellow trashcan in the bathroom was full, so Katherine decided to just flush it down the toilet.
Katherine came out into the living room where Kris was and said "Daddy the toilet's full of water."
Kris went into the bathroom and decided that the best solution would be to flush it. When asked later (by me after I got home and heard the story) why he didn't just take the toilet paper out, he just had this look on his face. So he proceeds to flush it, causing the toilet to overflow.
In anger, Kris hit the door. It is important to state that this is in anger because it will play a large part in this story. Katherine got upset and started to cry. Kris let her know that he wasn't angry at her and that he was proud of her for trying to help.
They went out of the bathroom and were discussing the whole situation. Kris told Katherine he was sorry for getting angry and said "You get angry too sometimes, don't you?" Katherine said "yes". Kris asked her if she knew what they should do when they got angry. She said "yes" and he said "what?" Katherine said, "I want you to say it with me daddy."
Kris said "Why?" Katherine then said "Because I don't know what it is but I want to say it." Kris told her that they should pray to God to help them when they get angry. They talked some more about stopping and praying when they got angry. So then they prayed together, something about helping them be slow to anger--Katherine was repeating Kris.
Katherine afterwards started talking about the toilet again. She said she didn't know how to fix it and asked what kind of tools Kris had. Kris told her he had a hammer and a saw and some other tools but that they didn't work on toilets. "Let's pray that God helps daddy fix it." So they prayed. Then Kris went into the bathroom, plunged it and the water went back down. Then Kris went to Katherine and showed her that God had answered her prayer. Katherine got really excited. She said, "I can't believe God has tools to fix toilets." And then they just talked about how great God was after that! It was so cute because I came home as they were talking about it when Kat was in bed. And she was SO excited about God answering the prayer about it. It was so cool to see that!
So that was one story. Here is another funny story. It's not the story about how Kaleb keeps painting his fingernails and doing a really good job--that will be saved for a later day. Kaleb 2 nights ago apparently told Kris at bedtime that he had prayed earlier for a baby brother and God said yes. AHH!! Scary huh? But I wouldn't mind if God did tell him yes I suppose. But the problem is that Katherine really wants a baby sister. So tonight, after hearing the toilet story, we were talking and somehow the subject got changed to that of a baby. And we told her that Kaleb had asked God for a brother and asked if she wanted a baby brother. She said no, that she wanted two sisters first and then a brother. (So now I'm up to having 6 kids total!!)
Well, I was getting ready to go out of there and decided to see if she would pray with me before I left. She asked me to do it with her and so I told her I would repeat after her. So she started praying and she said "Dear God..." and then there was this long pause and you could tell she was really thinking about what to say. "God, I pray that I have a sister and that Kaleb doesn't pray for a brother ever again. She thought some more and had this cute smile on her face, and then said "In your name, Amen." It was great!! How funny they can be!
Abbey decided to take a whole roll of toilet paper and play with it, in the bathroom. Katherine thought she would help clean it up. The yellow trashcan in the bathroom was full, so Katherine decided to just flush it down the toilet.
Katherine came out into the living room where Kris was and said "Daddy the toilet's full of water."
Kris went into the bathroom and decided that the best solution would be to flush it. When asked later (by me after I got home and heard the story) why he didn't just take the toilet paper out, he just had this look on his face. So he proceeds to flush it, causing the toilet to overflow.
In anger, Kris hit the door. It is important to state that this is in anger because it will play a large part in this story. Katherine got upset and started to cry. Kris let her know that he wasn't angry at her and that he was proud of her for trying to help.
They went out of the bathroom and were discussing the whole situation. Kris told Katherine he was sorry for getting angry and said "You get angry too sometimes, don't you?" Katherine said "yes". Kris asked her if she knew what they should do when they got angry. She said "yes" and he said "what?" Katherine said, "I want you to say it with me daddy."
Kris said "Why?" Katherine then said "Because I don't know what it is but I want to say it." Kris told her that they should pray to God to help them when they get angry. They talked some more about stopping and praying when they got angry. So then they prayed together, something about helping them be slow to anger--Katherine was repeating Kris.
Katherine afterwards started talking about the toilet again. She said she didn't know how to fix it and asked what kind of tools Kris had. Kris told her he had a hammer and a saw and some other tools but that they didn't work on toilets. "Let's pray that God helps daddy fix it." So they prayed. Then Kris went into the bathroom, plunged it and the water went back down. Then Kris went to Katherine and showed her that God had answered her prayer. Katherine got really excited. She said, "I can't believe God has tools to fix toilets." And then they just talked about how great God was after that! It was so cute because I came home as they were talking about it when Kat was in bed. And she was SO excited about God answering the prayer about it. It was so cool to see that!
So that was one story. Here is another funny story. It's not the story about how Kaleb keeps painting his fingernails and doing a really good job--that will be saved for a later day. Kaleb 2 nights ago apparently told Kris at bedtime that he had prayed earlier for a baby brother and God said yes. AHH!! Scary huh? But I wouldn't mind if God did tell him yes I suppose. But the problem is that Katherine really wants a baby sister. So tonight, after hearing the toilet story, we were talking and somehow the subject got changed to that of a baby. And we told her that Kaleb had asked God for a brother and asked if she wanted a baby brother. She said no, that she wanted two sisters first and then a brother. (So now I'm up to having 6 kids total!!)
Well, I was getting ready to go out of there and decided to see if she would pray with me before I left. She asked me to do it with her and so I told her I would repeat after her. So she started praying and she said "Dear God..." and then there was this long pause and you could tell she was really thinking about what to say. "God, I pray that I have a sister and that Kaleb doesn't pray for a brother ever again. She thought some more and had this cute smile on her face, and then said "In your name, Amen." It was great!! How funny they can be!
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