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Monday, December 27, 2004

I'm so glad Christmas is over and that this year is almost over. It sure has been chaotic, to say the least. Last week was filled with enough drama and trouble than we've had in a long time. In one week, we had a miscarriage, I got laryngitis and Abbey broke her collarbone (this was Christmas eve too). It has to get better, right? I feel like I am just floating through waiting for the storms to pass. Will they? I'm not so sure I want to start a new year. New years come with new problems and I've had enough to last me for quite some time.

My sister got married. She seems very happy. The wedding was nice. It was a long weekend though with all the kids and the traveling, so we are definitely glad to be back home. We have a girl that might stay with us for a while, as she tries to put her life back together. We'll see what happens there.

That's really all. I don't feel like doing anything, even writing so this is going to be rather short. I have to 'discipline' Kaleb now anyway. Off to yet another fun daily task.

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