Thursday, October 27, 2005
Well, my ankle is finally feeling better. It was still hurting on Tuesday, so I went to the doctor. That was fun with Abbey and Olivia. It wasn't as bad as it could have been though. The doctor had me go get x-rays of my ankle to make sure nothing was fractured--nothing was, so that was good. They gave me this splint thing but didn't tell me how long I had to wear it or when my ankle would heal. I guess I'll just refer to the internet for that information...I'm sure it is on there somewhere.
Abbey and Olivia are watching cartoons right now. Well, in reality, I believe Abbey is watching cartoons while periodically being much too rough with Olivia. She likes to touch her but seems to have no concept of "gentle". Oh well...Olivia doesn't seem to mind much of the time. Olivia has a cold I think. She sounds really congested right now. When they are that little and are congested they sound so pitiful. Hopefully she will get over it soon.
I'm going to learn how to put some pictures on here. Hey, I did it! Here is a picture of Abbey at our new table that I am working hard to pay off!

Guess I'll put one of Olivia on here too. Isn't she cute? This is my favorite picture of her so far.

I've gotten back into quilting. Now I have so many projects I want to complete before Christmas I'm not sure I'll get them all done. I am almost done with Kaleb's batman quilt, which I will put a picture on here when I am done. Between quilting and working from home I'm keeping quite busy.
Abbey and Olivia are watching cartoons right now. Well, in reality, I believe Abbey is watching cartoons while periodically being much too rough with Olivia. She likes to touch her but seems to have no concept of "gentle". Oh well...Olivia doesn't seem to mind much of the time. Olivia has a cold I think. She sounds really congested right now. When they are that little and are congested they sound so pitiful. Hopefully she will get over it soon.
I'm going to learn how to put some pictures on here. Hey, I did it! Here is a picture of Abbey at our new table that I am working hard to pay off!

Guess I'll put one of Olivia on here too. Isn't she cute? This is my favorite picture of her so far.

I've gotten back into quilting. Now I have so many projects I want to complete before Christmas I'm not sure I'll get them all done. I am almost done with Kaleb's batman quilt, which I will put a picture on here when I am done. Between quilting and working from home I'm keeping quite busy.
Monday, October 24, 2005
I think that I should change the name of this blog to "Abbey's Antics" since she is usually what I end up writing about all the time! Another funny story...So Abbey really likes to say "That makin' me happy!" all the time. Well, the other day she went to Sam's with me and the guy at the door put a smiley face on the receipt. Abbey insisted that she get the receipt--that it was her smiley face. I told her no, that I needed the receipt. She got upset and I told her that she could have the top part with the smiley face and I would keep the bottom so I had the receipt to enter into the check book. She started getting upset, and then she said "That make me mad." The way she said it was like she was threatening if I didn't give it to her, she was going to be mad. It was really funny.
I fell today. I twisted my left ankle pretty bad (in my opinion) and as I did that, my right knee slammed into the sidewalk. So I'm a mess. Anyway, it was hurting really bad shortly after and Abbey came in and was very concerned about me. She said "It not make me happy when you hurt yourself."
We were all supposed to go to the YMCA tonight--Heather is watching Olivia, but there was nothing that I could really do without much pain, since my ankle hurts when I Kris took the older kids and here I am at home, until I need to go and pick up Olivia.
Olivia went to the doctor and got her first shot today. She screamed at first, but she seems fine now. She is up to 10 lbs 4 oz now. She's getting big. I on the other hand am down 27 lbs. I didnt' lose anything last week, which was kind of disappointing, but I didn't gain so that is good. And now we are going to start exercising (if I can get my ankle better) and so that will really help with the weight loss.
I fell today. I twisted my left ankle pretty bad (in my opinion) and as I did that, my right knee slammed into the sidewalk. So I'm a mess. Anyway, it was hurting really bad shortly after and Abbey came in and was very concerned about me. She said "It not make me happy when you hurt yourself."
We were all supposed to go to the YMCA tonight--Heather is watching Olivia, but there was nothing that I could really do without much pain, since my ankle hurts when I Kris took the older kids and here I am at home, until I need to go and pick up Olivia.
Olivia went to the doctor and got her first shot today. She screamed at first, but she seems fine now. She is up to 10 lbs 4 oz now. She's getting big. I on the other hand am down 27 lbs. I didnt' lose anything last week, which was kind of disappointing, but I didn't gain so that is good. And now we are going to start exercising (if I can get my ankle better) and so that will really help with the weight loss.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Abbey was having this conversation today in the car. "There a bug in my diaker (her word for diaper). GET OUT OF MY DIAKER BUG!!!" and on and on. It was funny.
Yesterday she was talking about something so I asked her what she was saying. She informed me that she was talking to herself. So I left her alone. A couple of minutes later, she was kind of upset and said "Myself not talking to me." Hilarious!
I go back to the doctor tonight for my postpardum checkup. I am going to talk to him tonight about getting my tubes tied. Kris has not given me an answer about HIM getting a vasectomy, so I will hopefully make an appt. tonight. The sooner the better, so I can rest easy and have my mind at ease.
Yesterday she was talking about something so I asked her what she was saying. She informed me that she was talking to herself. So I left her alone. A couple of minutes later, she was kind of upset and said "Myself not talking to me." Hilarious!
I go back to the doctor tonight for my postpardum checkup. I am going to talk to him tonight about getting my tubes tied. Kris has not given me an answer about HIM getting a vasectomy, so I will hopefully make an appt. tonight. The sooner the better, so I can rest easy and have my mind at ease.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Today is Abbey's 3rd birthday. I heard Katherine talking to her before she left for school today. She said "Happy Birthday Abbey. You're three now and you don't even notice it." I thought that was cute.
Then, I told Abbey she was going over to Heather's house, and her face just lit up. She started clapping and smiling saying "Yay!" Then she said (very excitedly I might add) "That makin' me happy!" It was adorable! I'm sure Heather will love to hear that!
I had a good weekend. I went shopping. I had to. That was the greatest part. I have dropped a size since I had Olivia, and had to buy new jeans. The coolest thing is that I am now comfortably in a size that I haven't been in since right after I got married! It feels awesome! I've got more to go, but getting down to a size I was 6 years ago feels great!
I made almost $300 last week doing some work for Kris' company. To some people that may not be a lot, but considering I am working from home and that I get to work when it is convenient for me, I think it's pretty good. The greatest thing is that it is all MY money, except God's portion of course! I will save some (to pay for my table) and put some towards an enrollment fee for the YMCA (we have decided to join this month) and still have some play money left over for whatever. I know that money isn't everything, but it sure is nice when you have some that doesn't HAVE to go towards the bills!
Then, I told Abbey she was going over to Heather's house, and her face just lit up. She started clapping and smiling saying "Yay!" Then she said (very excitedly I might add) "That makin' me happy!" It was adorable! I'm sure Heather will love to hear that!
I had a good weekend. I went shopping. I had to. That was the greatest part. I have dropped a size since I had Olivia, and had to buy new jeans. The coolest thing is that I am now comfortably in a size that I haven't been in since right after I got married! It feels awesome! I've got more to go, but getting down to a size I was 6 years ago feels great!
I made almost $300 last week doing some work for Kris' company. To some people that may not be a lot, but considering I am working from home and that I get to work when it is convenient for me, I think it's pretty good. The greatest thing is that it is all MY money, except God's portion of course! I will save some (to pay for my table) and put some towards an enrollment fee for the YMCA (we have decided to join this month) and still have some play money left over for whatever. I know that money isn't everything, but it sure is nice when you have some that doesn't HAVE to go towards the bills!
Friday, October 14, 2005
Abbey makes me least 3-4 times each day. Yesterday, I was changing Olivia's diaper and Abbey's wet diaper from earlier was on the floor. I told her to throw it away. She was sitting in the pink chair just watching cartoons. So anyway, she starts saying something to me, which I didn't understand, and I kept telling her to throw it away. Finally, she raised her voice just a little bit and I understood that she had been saying "I busy Momma, I really busy." It was hilarious. She is using the word 'really' quite a bit lately. Her belly hurt really bad this morning. Olivia is cute, really cute. She just makes me laugh!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Today is an exciting day. The season premeire of One Tree Hill is tonight. Oh how exciting my life is...
Today is also my first day alone with all 4 kids. So far so good. It's like it was before the baby, except that now I have to take care of Olivia when she is awake, and the others are good about letting me. They want to touch her all the time though, and while I don't think it bothers her, it gets on my nerves. But I am sure I'll get used to that and as the newness of Olivia wears off they will settle down a bit.
I found a kitchen table and chairs that I really like and want to get. The price is the greatest part about it. It is a 7-piece table...comes with the table w/leaf, and 6 chairs, for $300. I have never seen a table that nice, with 6 chairs for such a low price. The only problem now is that I don't have $300. I am going to start doing some computer work for Kris' company, but I can't gaurantee that I will have $300 at any set time. Yesterday Kris almost said I could get it, then decided that I should actually have some money coming in first. I thought about borrowing the money from my parents and paying them like $60 a month until it's paid off, but I don't think Kris wants to do that either. He may still decide I can get it. My concern with waiting is that it will be gone by the time I can get it. It is at Sam's and I know they swap their furniture in and out from time to time, so what if it isn't there? The price is too good to pass up though Kris seems to think we can find another one for that price, that size, with 6 chairs. I am convinced that is not true...because I have been looking at tables and chairs for the last 6 years and pricing them. If they have a table that price, it usually is too small or comes with only 4 chairs so then you have to spend another $200 to get the other 2 chairs.
My life is really quite boring. This blog helps me to realize that. Oh well. I guess I don't really care.
I am really looking forward to will finally feel like fall and this weekend should be nice too. We are having a big party at the house on Saturday for all the kids and so it looks like it might be the perfect weather so all the kids (especially the neighbor kids that come) can hopefully play in the backyard instead of running through the house, which I am sure they will try to do anyway. Of course that means that we will have to actually do some work in the backyard, pick up sticks and stuff like that, but if the weather is nice, I really won't care. I might even be able to get Kris to mow back there. We haven't mowed back there since last summer, and even then we only did that like twice. It doesn't need it much, as there isn't really grass back there...just some strange grass-like greenery.
Today is also my first day alone with all 4 kids. So far so good. It's like it was before the baby, except that now I have to take care of Olivia when she is awake, and the others are good about letting me. They want to touch her all the time though, and while I don't think it bothers her, it gets on my nerves. But I am sure I'll get used to that and as the newness of Olivia wears off they will settle down a bit.
I found a kitchen table and chairs that I really like and want to get. The price is the greatest part about it. It is a 7-piece table...comes with the table w/leaf, and 6 chairs, for $300. I have never seen a table that nice, with 6 chairs for such a low price. The only problem now is that I don't have $300. I am going to start doing some computer work for Kris' company, but I can't gaurantee that I will have $300 at any set time. Yesterday Kris almost said I could get it, then decided that I should actually have some money coming in first. I thought about borrowing the money from my parents and paying them like $60 a month until it's paid off, but I don't think Kris wants to do that either. He may still decide I can get it. My concern with waiting is that it will be gone by the time I can get it. It is at Sam's and I know they swap their furniture in and out from time to time, so what if it isn't there? The price is too good to pass up though Kris seems to think we can find another one for that price, that size, with 6 chairs. I am convinced that is not true...because I have been looking at tables and chairs for the last 6 years and pricing them. If they have a table that price, it usually is too small or comes with only 4 chairs so then you have to spend another $200 to get the other 2 chairs.
My life is really quite boring. This blog helps me to realize that. Oh well. I guess I don't really care.
I am really looking forward to will finally feel like fall and this weekend should be nice too. We are having a big party at the house on Saturday for all the kids and so it looks like it might be the perfect weather so all the kids (especially the neighbor kids that come) can hopefully play in the backyard instead of running through the house, which I am sure they will try to do anyway. Of course that means that we will have to actually do some work in the backyard, pick up sticks and stuff like that, but if the weather is nice, I really won't care. I might even be able to get Kris to mow back there. We haven't mowed back there since last summer, and even then we only did that like twice. It doesn't need it much, as there isn't really grass back there...just some strange grass-like greenery.