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Monday, October 24, 2005

I think that I should change the name of this blog to "Abbey's Antics" since she is usually what I end up writing about all the time! Another funny story...So Abbey really likes to say "That makin' me happy!" all the time. Well, the other day she went to Sam's with me and the guy at the door put a smiley face on the receipt. Abbey insisted that she get the receipt--that it was her smiley face. I told her no, that I needed the receipt. She got upset and I told her that she could have the top part with the smiley face and I would keep the bottom so I had the receipt to enter into the check book. She started getting upset, and then she said "That make me mad." The way she said it was like she was threatening me...like if I didn't give it to her, she was going to be mad. It was really funny.

I fell today. I twisted my left ankle pretty bad (in my opinion) and as I did that, my right knee slammed into the sidewalk. So I'm a mess. Anyway, it was hurting really bad shortly after and Abbey came in and was very concerned about me. She said "It not make me happy when you hurt yourself."

We were all supposed to go to the YMCA tonight--Heather is watching Olivia, but there was nothing that I could really do without much pain, since my ankle hurts when I sit...so Kris took the older kids and here I am at home, until I need to go and pick up Olivia.

Olivia went to the doctor and got her first shot today. She screamed at first, but she seems fine now. She is up to 10 lbs 4 oz now. She's getting big. I on the other hand am down 27 lbs. I didnt' lose anything last week, which was kind of disappointing, but I didn't gain so that is good. And now we are going to start exercising (if I can get my ankle better) and so that will really help with the weight loss.

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