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Friday, November 11, 2005

I woke up this morning and went to get Abbey some milk and saw the strangest thing in my refrigerator. There, bunched up on the bottom shelf was Abbey's blanket that she sleeps with. She's so strange. I looked at her and laughed and said "Abbey, what is your blanket doing in the refrigerator??" She just looked up and smiled, like it was the most natural thing in the world to put her blanket in the fridge. And so I left it there. I figured there was no harm in it and if she put it in there, she could take it out if she wanted it. So when we were getting ready to leave the house, I told her to go and get her blanket. So she went and got it out of the fridge and said "My blankie cold." It was funny.

Abbey is gone until Monday. She got to go with Grandma to Branson. Kat and Kaleb have taken individual trips and this will be Abbey's first. She was pretty excited. She gets to go and see Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede or whatever that popular thing is there. I'm sure she will have a blast.

Tonight we went up to a harvest party at church. The kids had fun. Not that we didn't--we had fun too. It was the first time I've played bridge with real people (for a while we just played online quite a bit) in a long time. It was a lot of fun. We played with our friend Mary and her son Jason. The entire time at least one of us had a small child in our arms. Things have changed from 2 years ago when Kris and I were the only ones with kids in our arms during a bridge game. It was really fun though. I miss playing. We talked briefly about starting something up at the church where we teach people to play and then we can have our own little bridge club. Yeah, that may not sound fun to most of you (and when I say most of you--that could be no one because how often do people really read this???), but we like it.

I do hate when we have gatherings with food though. It makes it so difficult to stay within my Weight Watcher point range. I had done really well and still had a good deal of points left when I left the house tonight, but I think I have used all of my flex points for the week, which means I'll have to be really careful tomorrow and Sunday. I was trying to save them up because I knew I was going to Bread Company tomorrow...and my Cinnamon Crunch Bagel favorite with Hazelnut Cream Cheese is 12 points by itself...it will have to be breakfast and lunch if I want to stay within my points tomorrow. Maybe if I am lucky I'll get really full after half of it! We'll see.

Hopefully I'll make it to the Y tomorrow. I have already gone three times this week. It feels good to exercise. I walked/ran a mile on Thursday--18 laps = 1 mile...I alternated between walking and running but in reality I think I only ran 4 of the 18 and walked the rest. BUT....a year ago I couldn't have run even one lap and walking 18 of them would have bored me to death! But I'm motivated now that my size 12's (which I have just recently gotten down to) are starting to feel loose. I'd be happy at a 10....that's what I was in college....my secret goal is an 8, but I'll settle for a 10!

Well, I should try to get some sleep. The weekends seem to be the only time I can get any sleep. Kris is pretty good about helping out during the night on the weekends...I'm so blessed to have a husband like him.

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