Monday, November 28, 2005
It's been a long couple of days. Kris came home last Wednesday (right before Thanksgiving) and told me I needed to type this inventory list in by Monday morning. It was 170 pages, which with 4 days to do it wouldn't have been a problem, had it not been a holiday. Jenny and Raju were in Wednesday night, then we had company over for Thanksgiving, then we went shopping and out on Friday and so I didn't get started on it until about 3pm on Saturday. I finished it up around 12:45am today. But on the bright side...I do get paid for the 16 hours that I worked on it. I need that--since I spent way too much at Kohl's! But I got a lot of great deals and most of the shopping for Kris and the kids is done. Plus, they were giving out Kohl's cash for spending certain amounts, and I ended up leaving with $70 in Kohl's cash. I gave it to Kris yesterday, along with a few items to return and he did some Christmas shopping for me. It's seems strange, though I know it's not really--Kris' paychecks go for the bills, so I have to give him money to get ME Christmas presents. But I guess before I was working he would give me money to get him presents!
I put my Christmas tree up today. It was nice to have a break from that inventory list and be able to do something that I wanted to do. Some evening when we are all home together, Kris and the kids and I will put the ornaments on. I have water aerobics tonight--so maybe tomorrow. I'm hoping to wrap some presents and put together some floral arrangements today. Jenny and I sort of 'officially' have our own little online business. Katherine gave us the name "Two Blossoms", which seemed to fit perfectly. We aren't active yet--we'd like to build an inventory first...but Jenny got about 7 done this weekend out here. Here are a couple of pictures of them. I think they turned out great.
I think that this one is my favorite on that she has done. We got so many great deals on the fall floral stems. They were 75-90% off at Garden Ridge, so we just stocked up. Some of the things I got were .01 and .17 cents. Crazy!
Then this one for the holiday season is really pretty too. She did a good job.

I put my Christmas tree up today. It was nice to have a break from that inventory list and be able to do something that I wanted to do. Some evening when we are all home together, Kris and the kids and I will put the ornaments on. I have water aerobics tonight--so maybe tomorrow. I'm hoping to wrap some presents and put together some floral arrangements today. Jenny and I sort of 'officially' have our own little online business. Katherine gave us the name "Two Blossoms", which seemed to fit perfectly. We aren't active yet--we'd like to build an inventory first...but Jenny got about 7 done this weekend out here. Here are a couple of pictures of them. I think they turned out great.

Then this one for the holiday season is really pretty too. She did a good job.

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