Sunday, December 11, 2005

I have a few more pictures. I got some early Christmas was kind of funny. I have a cheap toaster that we got when we got married, and it is falling apart--I think you can get them now at Wal-mart for about $6-10 so I asked Kris if I could go get a toaster and he told me no. I didn't push it--figuring that he probably had bought me a toaster oven for Christmas. I've wanted one ever since we got married but don't really have room for one. And now that my toaster is broken, I thought, "Well, I'll just get another cheap one." But anyway, we were talking about it and he decided he would go ahead and give me the toaster oven since I basically had figured it out anyway. But then...we still had no place to put it, so he bought me a new microwave cart and another 'cabinet' it really gave me SO much more room. I'm really excited about it. Kris and I spent most of the day organizing and cleaning up the kitchen, so humor me and enjoy the pictures of the new Bishop kitchen! :) It really opened up the kitchen--and I don't have to have my kitchen aid mixer on top of the counter anymore--it is on the other microwave cart, out of the way, so I can use the mixer over beside the fridge, and prepare things on the counter top! It's awesome--well, I don't really know--because I haven't cooked anything yet, but I think it should be cool. I guess the pictures don't really show how 'open' the kitchen is, and I'm probably the only one that really cares about the kitchen, but hey--It's MY blog, so I don't care!
Tomorrow morning I am having my surgery. My doctor called me tonight. We talked for about 10 minutes--it was interesting. It's strange to admit that you actually like your ob/gyn but I do like him. He's very nice and loves kids. He helped to ease my mind about the procedure and made me laugh, so I don't feel too nervous about the whole thing. I'll be back on here in a day or two depending on how I feel as I recover.
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